Leading by Example this Saint Patrick's Day
Posted by Unknown in AAA Foundation, AAAFTS, do as I say not as i do, Drinking and driving, DUI, Holidays, safety culture on Thursday, March 14, 2013
Consider the following:
-- More than nine-in-ten drivers say that drunk drivers are a serious threat to safety;
-- Nearly all (97%) say it is unacceptable for people to drive when they think they may have had too much to drink;
-- Four-in-five drivers support requiring ignition interlock use by all DWI offenders; and
-- More than half of people say drunk driving is a bigger problem today than it was three years ago.
However, despite these attitudes, roughly one-in-sevendrivers admit that they drove when they thought their blood alcohol level was close to or over the legal limit, at least once in the past year. Among the biggest culprits were males, 18.1 percent of whom reported drinking and driving (vs. 10% of females), and drivers in their early 20s, more than a quarter of whom admitted to this.
Friday and Saturday nights in general see the most drunk-driving-related crashes and fatalities, and with Saint Patrick’s Day falling on a weekend this year, there could be an even bigger risk. From our safety culture survey, we know that motorists are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. So this year, we hope that more people will turn away from a “do as I say, not as I do” stance, and instead choose to “lead by example.” How? By designating a driver this Saint Patrick’s Day, taking public transportation, or calling a cab, and by watching out for friends and always buckling up!
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 8:01 AM and is filed under AAA Foundation, AAAFTS, do as I say not as i do, Drinking and driving, DUI, Holidays, safety culture. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
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