Photo Friday: The Random Sampling Edition

Poor neglected Photo's been a while hasn't it? Let's kick things off with this stunning beauty:

 I love the cast shadows. This is looking down at one of the columns that will support the ramp that will connect the Royal Brougham Way bridge to the second level of the Qwest Event Center garage in Seattle. This photo is part of our SR 519 construction set.

Another photo from the same set. The composition in this photo is perfection, with the pulley drawing the eye down, the wood supports moving the eye across, and finally the placement of the workers and diagonal lines of the rebar complete the process by drawing the eye back up. Sorry... Hehe... Art major... This photo is of contractor crews placing rebar during construction of the Royal Brougham Way bridge in Seattle.

A fantastic aerial view of the SR 410 Nile Valley landslide looking south. It pretty much speaks for itself. Check out the rest of the set.

Just a great photo. The lighting is fantastic. Crews are installing a foundation for a new sign along I-405 in Renton. More photos here.

Great sense of scale. No. 1 end of WSDOT's first new 64-car ferry with starboard curtain plate sections (side of vessel) installed mid-ship. This photo is part of the New 64-car Ferries set.