Next Era of Traveler Information

By guest blogger Michele Villnave

Its morning, the alarm is blaring and you have to drive to work today. After the coffee and figuring out what to wear—how do you decide which way you are driving to work? Like most of us, there is more than one way to get there, how do you decide? Do you go to the WSDOT website to determine the best route, do you check out the WSDOT iPhone or Android mobile app or do you take your chances and just wait until you see the first variable message signs on the roadway? Do you do the same for the trip home? These and other questions in this survey want to see how we are using information to plan our commutes.

We are asking your help to fill out “The Next Era of Traveler Information” survey. This 17-question survey asks you for information about how you use traveler information, and how it affects your commute decisions. The survey is part of an effort that is looking at how real-time traveler information technology is changing.

This survey will be part of a bigger project that will help member agencies understand how real-time traveler information is changing, and how to understand trends and new approaches to managing real-time traveler information programs. The project is part of the Enterprise Pooled Fund Study consortium of which WSDOT is a member. It is a multi-national group dedicated to the advancement of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This consortium includes members from the United States, as well as Canadian and European agencies.

Thank you for your time and assistance in filling out “The Next Era of Traveler Information” survey.