Road Features Do Save Lives...
Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, July 20, 2010
There’s no doubt that nearly all crashes on our roadways are preventable. Talking on cell phones, using an ipod or GPS, driving aggressively or simply not adjusting to weather conditions are all causes of crashes, but are also things that are under the drivers’ control. Given this, I continue to encourage all drivers to examine their own driving behaviors and eliminate the habits that put yourself and others at risk. However, I also understand that all drivers are human and mistakes can be made. This is why building roads with safety features like guardrails, rumble strips and additional pavement markings are important to roadway safety. When driver error occurs and mistakes are made on the road, these features can save lives. One of the greatest reasons road safety features are needed is to prevent Run-Off-the-Road crashes, an issue the AAA Foundation and collaborating organizations helped address earlier this year through a campaign which resulted in a national PSA and educational DVD. Building roads with key safety features is an important step for highway safety, but we must remember the fastest, easiest and most effective way to improve safety is for everyone to start being smart-focused drivers on the road.
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