Transportation Secretary Paula Hammond named one of Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year by the American Public Works Association
Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Washington APWA chapter, made up of nearly 1,400 members, named Paula winner of its 2011 Roy Morse Award for outstanding technical or professional accomplishments in public workers. Her name then was submitted for the national award, along with 63 other nominees from AWPA chapters in the United States and Canada. APWA this week announced its Top Ten Leader national winners.
“Congratulations, Paula, on this well-deserved award,” said Jill Marilley, Washington state APWA Chapter president. “Your career excellence and dedication to public works easily made you stand out as a Top Ten Leader and we are fortunate to have you as an example of professionalism, commitment and focused intention to create ongoing success in public works.” Marilley also noted how APWA recognizes that Paula has done a fantastic job of steering WSDOT through major organizational changes and troubling financial times.
Paula will first receive her state award recognition May 22 as APWA Washington celebrates Public Works Week. In August, Paula will be recognized with her fellow national Top Ten Leader winners at the APWA national convention in the Los Angeles area.
APWA is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals. Originally chartered in 1937, APWA provides a forum in which public works professionals can exchange ideas, improve professional competency, increase the performance of their agencies and companies, and bring public works-related topics to public attention in local, state and federal arenas.
“Congratulations, Paula, on this well-deserved award,” said Jill Marilley, Washington state APWA Chapter president. “Your career excellence and dedication to public works easily made you stand out as a Top Ten Leader and we are fortunate to have you as an example of professionalism, commitment and focused intention to create ongoing success in public works.” Marilley also noted how APWA recognizes that Paula has done a fantastic job of steering WSDOT through major organizational changes and troubling financial times.
Paula will first receive her state award recognition May 22 as APWA Washington celebrates Public Works Week. In August, Paula will be recognized with her fellow national Top Ten Leader winners at the APWA national convention in the Los Angeles area.
APWA is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals. Originally chartered in 1937, APWA provides a forum in which public works professionals can exchange ideas, improve professional competency, increase the performance of their agencies and companies, and bring public works-related topics to public attention in local, state and federal arenas.
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