Procession route for fallen trooper on March 1
Posted by Unknown in memorial procession route, Tony Radulescu, washington state patrol on Wednesday, February 29, 2012
- Exit Kitsap Mall to SR 3;
- Southbound SR 3 to Gorst/SR 16 Interchange;
- Exit to Bay Street (SR 166) just south of Gorst;
- Travel through the City of Port Orchard along Bay Street;
- Turn left on Port Orchard Boulevard;
- Right onto Tremont Street West and back onto SR 16.
- Leave Mountain View Funeral Home onto Steilacoom Boulevard.
- Right on South Tacoma Way
- Left on SR 512 East
- To SR 167 North
- Exit onto SR 516 to West Willis Street
- Left onto 4th Ave. south
- Left onto West James Street
- Arrive at front of ShoWare Center on West James Street.
For the public’s safety, please do not to stop on I-5, SR 512 or SR 167 during the procession.
Problems I Encountered With My Blog
Posted by Unknown in Backlink, Blog, Blogger,, FeedBurner, Google, Google Analytics, Search engine optimization, Searching, Social media, Social networking service, Twitter, Web search engine, WordPress on Thursday, February 23, 2012

Online Driver Education Programs?
Posted by Unknown in AAA Foundation, AAAFTS, driver ed, drivers education, NHTSA, Online drivers ed, parents and teens, teens, teens driving
The weaker programs were said to be very text heavy, and offered little feedback, allowed quick completion, and didn’t involve parents at all.
There was also considerable variation in the degree to which states exercised oversight of online driver education, with some only approving one centralized, government-affiliated program and others allowing online courses to proliferate virtually unregulated.
In addition to the full report, the Foundation also developed a fact sheet to help educate parents on this issue and highlight the program attributes to keep in mind when considering an online driver education course.
My Experience With ClixSense
Posted by Unknown in Advertising, ClixSense, Google, Liberty Reserve, Paid To Click, Pay per click, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, PayPal, Web Design and Development on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Review
Posted by Unknown in AlertPay, Funds, Internet forum, Microworkers, Money, PayPal, Twitter on Friday, February 17, 2012

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The site offers low payout. Do not expect that you can get rich through working on this site. However, once those earnings piled up, you can get some decent amount of cash. It is another simple way to augment your online income. You can always work on the site during your free time. If you are interested, just check it out: Minute Workers.
Reasons Why I Stopped Reading Your Blog
Posted by Unknown in Blog, Business, Corporate blog, Directories, Facebook, FAQs Help and Tutorials, Google, Social media, Twitter

One second you talk about blogging ideas, then the next, you give your thoughtless bickering about the world and the people around you. I would definitely get lost on that one. In the first place, I visited your blogs because I want to learn interesting ideas from you, not about your personal problems. I guess there is a specific place on that one.
Air search and rescue
Posted by Unknown in EOC, lost aircraft, lost pilot, SARSAT, search and rescue on Monday, February 13, 2012
Over the weekend, a plane went down near Mount Baker – near the 7,800 foot level. Our Aviation Search and Rescue Division got the call and headed up to Bellingham to coordinate the search. What – you may ask – does the state highway department have to do with search and rescue?
Great question. Our responsibility, as directed by the Legislature, is to manage all Air Search and Rescue operations within the state as well as coordinating the use of aviation assets for disaster relief efforts. So that means when the emergency beacon went off Saturday night, we got the call.
Satellites monitor for emergency beacons – through a system called SARSAT. The SARSAT office then notifies the state Emergency Operations Center (Washington Emergency Operations Center is located at Camp Murray). The EOC Duty Officer got the call, which then came to us.
Once we had the location, and contact information for the beacon’s owner (good thing he registered – hint, hint), we called the family to confirm. Yes, the Bellingham man had taken the plane out over Mount Baker to take photos, and yes, he hadn’t returned as scheduled.
Our Aviation Search and Rescue team (led by Tom Peterson), then started up to Bellingham. We have a trailer that serves as a mission control center. He also called the U.S. Navy and it was fortunate a team from Naval Air Station Whidbey was available to start searching. Weather was cooperating also so the team could fly during the night.
The pilot’s wife then called the local sheriff’s office – apparently she received a short phone call and he was okay. Cellular reception is spotty in that rural area, so she didn’t have much more info.
With that confirmation the plane was actually out there, a team from the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office took snowmobiles out, starting from what is known as Shrieber’s Meadow. They found the plane - damaged and upside down on the edge of the Deming Glacier at the 7,800-foot level of Mount Baker. (A bit of trivia – those beacons actually work – the plane was less than 150 feet from where it was supposed to be.)
No pilot or passenger inside. As luck would have it, a group of snowmobilers were also out, and they got stuck and were able to radio some friends. On the way out, their friends found the pilot and his passenger, so they brought them back.
The pilot called from his home, reporting he was okay.
Our role was to find the plane, coordinating all available resources. We also do this during natural disasters – coordinate all aviation resources to help rescue those stuck during floods, etc. This time, it was fortunate the U.S. Navy and local sheriff’s office were there to help. That isn’t always the case.
Once we found the plane, we turn the rescue operation over to the local law enforcement and the FAA and NTSB come in to investigate the crash. Mission complete.
Feedburner Stealing My Backlinks
Posted by Unknown in Backlink, Blog, CommentLuv, Directories, Facebook, FeedBurner, Google, RSS, Search, Search engine optimization, Tools, Twitter, WordPress

Due to this incident, I learned how important backlinks are. Those established webmasters and bloggers may give credit to any blogger who would frequently visit or comment on their blogs. This thing is a great advantage especially to newbie bloggers like me. This would mean that those search engines would give a higher status from the quality backlinks one would get from those webmasters. I also learned that a blog site may gain higher status if you get quality backlinks from blogs with the same niche. So, in my case, I was lucky enough to get quality backlinks from some established websites which has the same niche as mine. When you get more backlinks, your blog site will also improve its rank. Remember, these backlinks are freely given by the site administrators especially when they appreciate your efforts on taking the time to read and browse over their sites and leave interesting comments. Review
Posted by Unknown in Business, Employment, Facebook, Facebook features, FAQ, Full-time, Job (role), Job Search, Microworkers, Online Communities, PayPal, Percentage, Personal identification number, Twitter on Sunday, February 12, 2012

Once you submit correct PIN we will start sending payments to you.
New flyover ramps taking shape in Federal Way
Posted by Unknown in Federal Way, fllyover ramp, I-5 SR 18 interchange, steel tub girders on Friday, February 10, 2012
Looking at two of the bridge columns that will support the steel tub girders over I-5. |
It's not often that we build a new bridge over the freeway, but this weekend we're doing just that.
Crews are starting the final major milestone of a two-year project that aims to improve traffic and safety at the busy I-5/SR 18/SR 161 interchange in Federal Way. When all is said and done later this summer, drivers won't have to contend with the notorious weave as they jockey for position on the I-5/SR 18 ramps.
But it's no small task. For the next three weekends -- Friday and Saturday nights -- two huge cranes will lift the “steel tub girders” up and over I-5 and place them onto bridge columns that have been sprouting up alongside I-5. (They're called steel tub girders for obvious reasons; they resemble giant steel bathtubs.)
We'll need to completely close one direction of I-5 while the work is being done. Southbound I-5 will be closed near SR 18 the nights of Feb. 10, 11 and 24. We'll close northbound I-5 the nights of Feb. 17, 18 and 25.
During the southbound I-5 closures traffic will be detoured onto Highway 99 and rejoin I-5 at 54th Avenue East in Fife. It's about a five-mile detour.
The northbound I-5 detour will send traffic onto eastbound SR 18 to Weyerhaeuser Way and back to I-5. You'll want to allow extra time for your late night trips during the closures. Roughly 7,000 vehicles use this stretch of I-5 on a typical weekend night. (Check the project website for detour maps.)
The girders will support the roadway for the two new flyover ramps -- one between eastbound SR 18 and northbound I-5, and the other from westbound SR 18 and to southbound I-5. Once they're in place we can begin to pour the pavement for the new ramps.
So what’s the benefit of a flyover ramp?
Anyone who travels between I-5 and SR 18 is probably familiar with the white-knuckle weave as they merge from one freeway to the other. It’s due to the cloverleaf interchange that was built in the 1960s. It was considered state-of-the art at the time but as the population grew, it quickly became obvious that it couldn’t handle the increasing traffic volumes.
The flyover ramps will completely eliminate the weave, and let drivers "fly" up and over I-5.
Funding for the $112 million project came from a combination of state gas taxes and federal grants.
When the 'Other Guy' is You...
Posted by Unknown in AAA Foundation, Aggressive driving, Quiz, Road Rage on Thursday, February 9, 2012 Review

What is a Blog Directory?
Posted by Unknown in Backlink, Blog, Blogarama, BlogCatalog, Blogio, Google, RSS, Social network service, Web directory, Web search engine on Sunday, February 5, 2012

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